the study of scorpions of Andimeshk (Khuzestan)

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran


Some investigations have been performed on scorpions of Iran. No study has been carried out on some area of Iran. Some researchers reported several species of scorpions of Iran(Vachon ,1966,Farzanpay 1988). To obtain the scorpions, we used crower bar and wood to move the heavy materials like stone, clod, and other things. In the present investigation scorpions were collected from different parts of Andimeshk. To identify and study morphological characters specimens, stereo microscope Olympus Lica 2000, was used. In this investigation several scorpions including genera and species belonged to two families Buthidae and Hemiscorpiidae were studied. From family Buthidae,these species, including Compsobuthus matthisseni , Mesobuthus eupeus, Hottentotta saulcyi, Androctonus crassicauda, Razianus zarudnyi, Odentobuths bidentatus, Orthochirus scrobiculosus , and from family Hemiscorpiidae, species Hemiscorpius leptorus were studied.In taxonomy scorpions are order of Arthropoda phylum , belonged to invertebrata animals . Andimeshk district is a warm region and scorpions sting, usually occurs in this area. So we studied the venom species in the mentioned region
